Coire nan Lochan 15-01-13

Great mixed climbing conditions and perfect weather today in Lochan.  Most mixed route were in good condition looking white and well frozen.  The new snow is still dry and powdery and the routes required a fair bit of clearing.  Broad Gully was used as a descent and seemed to be safe enough.

Scrabble received an ascent which looked great and fairly exciting, great lead by Adam Hughes on the 1st pitch.

I was out with Richard again today who was keen to try a harder mixed route to get a feel for what steeper mixed is all about so we did Crest Route V/6 which was great and gave Richard the chance to experiment a bit with climbing leash-less and movement on steeper ground.

Coire nan Lochan

Richard getting familiar with belay duty!
 The brilliant corner pitch….
 Richard coming up the last hard pitch
 White hills as far as you could see in every direction made a nice finish to the day after topping out.