Great Weather in the Lakes – Summer Courses

We are finally getting a consistent run of great weather in the Lakes for our summer courses.  It has generally been fairly mixed, despite a lot of unsettled weather there has been some great days for going high up to climb classic routes on the likes of Dow Crag.  This last week has brought our first consistent run of really settled weather of the summer really, its sunny and the crags are dry!

We have had various courses running but the last few days have been particularly good.  I have been out with some folk doing an article about some classic scrambling and easy climbing in the Lakes for a well known mag.  We stayed at Black Sail Hut and had a day on Napes Needle taking in the classic Wasdale Crack (HS) and the Wasdale Roof (E3 5C)  for a little interest on the side!  We also had a wander up Sphinx Ridge and on to Gable.

 Remoteness in the Lake District, the Black Sail Hut
 Napes Needle

 The Sphinx looking over Wasdale

Yesterday we headed for the high level route over to Pillar Rock, we climbed the classic scramble/climb Slab and Notch (M) route onto the Rock, then abseiled into the Jordan Gap followed by a quick ascent of the Pisgah to complete the round.  This is a really great mountaineering route with a interesting approach and can be finished with a quick detour to the top of Pillar itself.  Pillar Rock has an almost unique feel to it, there’s a definite touch of the ‘Alpine’ about it set high above the forests of Ennerdale.

 Morning visitors at the Hut
 Pillar Rock
Exposure on the Slab and Notch route

With the great weather continuing we will be running lots of summer courses in the Lakes and on Skye so please get in touch with any inquiries…

All our courses are on our site at Mountain Circles