Technical Winter Mountaineering and Climbing – Glencoe and Ben Nevis Range

technicalDates:  25/01/14 – 28/01/14

Duration:  4 Mountaineering/Climbing Days

Client Instructor Ratio:  1:2

Price:  £350

Course Information

This is the opportuinty to join one of our bespoke course options where the person booked is happy to share the course bringing the overall cost down for everyone.  It is a 4 day course covering technical winter Mountaineering routes and introducing winter Climbing where 2 axes will be required.  The days out will offer aspects of both the mentioned courses and are for people with some basic winter experinece and climbing skills as well as good fitness (This is so we can match you to the exisiting booking appropriatly).

Possible car share option from England.

The price above is for the Guided days out and any technical equipment required.

This is a non-residential course, but we can arrange accomodation for you or give you some options in the area if required.

Please Contact Us for more information about this course, or read the option descriptions in Mountaineering & Climbing – Private Guiding & Instruction – Winter.

See Blog for winter condition updates. Bad Weather Option.

What is included

list-tick Guided/Instructed days out
list-tick Technical Equipment
list-cross Evening Meal
list-tick Optional Avalanche Talk
list-tick Daily Transport

The relevant Kit List is in our Resources.

For more information please Contact Us.