Beinn Udlaidh 22-01-13

Lots of good ice forming on Beinn Udlaidh.  Various routes in condition and others coming in.  Few others out today on Quartzvein Scoop and Green Eyes.  There was a reasonable amount of fresh powder blown about and some of the exits on the main crag had a bit of build up and a small cornice, not too much of a problem though.

Today we were looking to climb another ‘Cold Climbs’ route and so headed to Quartzvein Scoop IV / 4***. There was a fair bit of snow covering the ice but underneath there was some good ice, a little hollow in places but all good.  After this we dropped down to the single pitch routes on the lower tier and climbed a short steep route down there which gave a great little pitch and a bit steeper than what we have been on the last few days.

Its always great to climb the classic winter climbs of the UK and ‘Cold Climbs’ gives some great background info and history associated with a selection of routes and in looking to climb many of the listed routes you’ll be taken off the beaten track.

‘Cold Climbs’ –

Lower Tier Ice-falls
Quartzvein Scoop IV / 4***

 Main Crag

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