Ben Nevis 21-01-13

Was back on the Ben again today with Jill who is keen to work her way through some ‘Cold Climbs’ classics, a selection of some of the UK and Ireland’s most sought after winter climbs.
The weather was due to be windy today but with heading up with a few options we were able to find some relative shelter on the mountain on Comb Gully IV / 4.  Comb did get its fair share of spindrift today but seemed much better than most parts of the mountain and was a good Scottish day out.  We had also considered Glover’s Chimney but it seemed to be getting the brunt of an upward wind returning in the Coire and a constant stream of spindrift going up the route, there was a team trying Glover’s though and the first ice-fall looked good.  We saw a few others on the Carn Dearg Cascades and that was about it.  Some friends took a trip up and down No.4 and lost a half loaded rucksack to a gust!
Comb Gully gave another great day and was in great condition.  Apart from a little fairly avoidable bit of wind-slab low down the whole route was on hard frozen snow and good ice.  Descent again down the Redburn was fast with a little bit of fresh slab about to watch out for, all avoidable though.
Mixed climbing conditions looked awesome high up, the front steep face of the Comb was frosted today and the routes around No.3 Gully Buttress looked to be in prime condition!
Video clip from Comb Gully
First Step
Second step before easy ground to top