Cairngorms, Coire an t-Sneachda. 06-01-13

Yesterday we went over to the east to Sneachda.  There was very little humidity in the east and the snow condition was much better despite the high temperatures.  Whilst the snow was good for ‘skills’ courses etc there were only a few easy climbs looking complete.  The Runnel, Jacob’s Ladder and Aladdin’s Couloir were all OK and complete.  A few other routes may have been possible but were thin.

We decided to have a look at some leading yesterday looking at placing gear and making belays etc.  We climbed the Runnel which was good with a couple of icy mixed sections.

Northern Corries
Coire an t-Sneachda
 The Runnel

On returning to the west last night the drizzle had become much heavier rain and it was about 9 degrees at sea level so its hard to know how this will have effected the remaining ice up on the Ben.